Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Aquino Censors facebook comments after Hostage Debacle

What a joke.  The man that is so sensitive about censorship is himself censoring and suppressing comments on his facebook wall.


Aquino is a coward and a hypocrite!


  1. indeed! :) hypocrites all of them from their japanese collaborator grandfather, there father who was administrator of Hacienda luisita, to his mother who promised justice to the farmers but left several of them dead at mendiola, who did nothing when the luisita farmers were open fired and to his sisters and the in laws that benefited during the time of their mother and down to his attention hungry sister who keeps on irritating us with the way she keeps airing her dirty laundry in public. :D

  2. http://www.thestandard.com.hk/news_detail.asp?we_cat=11&art_id=102133&sid=29361765&con_type=1&d_str=20100825&fc=4

    Though shocked by the hostage incident, I am even more deeply shocked by the following: when all Hong Kong is mourning the loss of eight innocent lives - and the ordeal the survivors were made to go through - and people are demanding a "rapid and reasonable" explanation from the Philippine government, one radio talk-show host tried to water down the "cause" of the Philippine president's "failure" to take the chief executive's phone calls by claiming that it was "incorrect diplomatic protocol."

    This means: our chief executive is just the head of the SAR, whereas Benigno Aquino is a head of state.

    Since the two persons are not on par with each other, Aquino has the "right" not to take Donald Tsang's phone calls!

  3. And now Aquino has disabled his facebook account. Coward!

  4. If you, Mr. PNoy, cannot stand the heat....

    then get out of the kitchen! You are only doing harm to this country!

  5. I am neither a fan of aquin0 or a fan of gib0..Neither a fan of erap or a fan of villar.. These "an0nym0us" c0mment'ers..And this c0ncerned citizen..Why w0nt you show yourselves?? Isn't that being coward too?

  6. Yellow is the color of a coward, subsequently it is the color of the Aquino's who shows symptoms of being yellow.

  7. Aquino Noy Noy III shows lack of a spine, not a bone in your body. Sit at home do nothing and assign blame.

    Send out other to do the work when you should be doing the work. "someone will pay", yes you are right and that someone is you Noy Noy! Get out of office if you don't know what you are doing and have no clue. What a retard!

    Only a retard would smirk and smile in a press conference addressing the killing of hostages. You have no decency, no sensitivity, no EQ, no guts, no brains and no tact and certainly are not fit to lead your country.

  8. "I am neither a fan of aquin0 or a fan of gib0..Neither a fan of erap or a fan of villar.. These "an0nym0us" c0mment'ers..And this c0ncerned citizen..Why w0nt you show yourselves?? Isn't that being coward too?"

    -- comments from an anonymous poster! haha!
