Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Aquino...SWAT or SAF? What's the diff??


Let's all give our President a helping hand.  Anyone with a computer and an internet connection can find out who was best fitted to handle the Hong Thai Massacre.

Role:  Domestic Counter-Terrorism and Law Enforcement, Raids, Unconventional Warfare

Branch:  Philippine National Police

Reports to: Directly under control of the Philippine National Police

"The SAF, over the years, has received training from the FBI's Hostage Rescue Team (HRT) and Critical Incident Response Group, RAID and YAMAM"

Now lets break it down for him into chewable bites...


The Hostage Rescue Team (HRT, part of both FBI and CIRG) is the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation's counter-terrorism paramilitary tactical team.[1] The HRT is trained to rescue U.S. citizens or others who are held by a hostile force, either terrorist or criminal.


CIRG = Critical Incident Response Group (also USA/FBI) is part of the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation which facilitates the FBI's rapid response to, and the management of, crisis incidents.

The CIRG is designated to formulate strategies, manage hostage or siege situations, and, if humanly possible, resolve them "without loss of life," 

CIRG will deploy investigative specialists to respond to terrorist activities, hostage takings, child abductions and other high-risk repetitive violent crimes. 


RAID/ Recherche Assistance Intervention Dissuasion (the French)

"...its responsibility areas are Paris and the suburbs as well as "Plan Piratair" (for plane hijackings), nuclear sites, the Channel Tunnel, the trains, and other strategic sites."


Assault Groups (ding ding ding ding)
Sniper (ding ding ding ding)
Effraction (A breach, made by the use of force.) (ding ding ding ding)
Group of Research and Information
Dog handlers
Negotiators (ding ding ding ding)


Yamam (The Israelis)

Hostage rescue in friendly territory is different from that in hostile areas, it was decided to establish an elite civilian force, which develops and practices a special CQB (Close Quarters Battles) doctrine for "counter-terrorism" operations in friendly territory and hostage rescue.

...capable of both hostage-rescue operations and offensive take-over raids against targets in civilian areas.


So basically, the entire free world has spent millions to TRAIN an entire SAF team of professionals to handle these types of situations (and I admit, they could be duds as well, but i'll give them the benefit of the doubt), and the LEADERS of this nation...don't ever think to speak up and ask, "hey who the fuck are those yahoo's yielding guns and trying to pull off doors with ropes?"  Was there a flipping really good episode of American Idol rerun on TV or something??  Jesus H Christ Benny...I'd tell you to stick it up your ass, but you'd probably have trouble finding it!

And how about this:

"...that a Special Action Force was on standby but that authorities allowed the police on the ground to continue with the negotiations. “In a hostage situation, whatever force committed there should not be pulled out.”

Translation:  If the potato-gun brigade gets to the hostage situation first, they are it.  SWAT,'re on standby.  Potato gun boys, attack!  What the fack school did these leaderss crawl out of??

Read it here

The world is your c
omedy stage Benigno, but only this are the big joke. And you have made fools of all of us as well.  You will never live this down.



  1. Yeah Noynoy you are such a big faker like your slutty sister. I hope you go down in flames and get exposed as the charlatan you truly are.
    ZERO accomplishments as congressman and senator
    and ZERO as a president
    two big zeros like the fact you have no balls you gaytard just go and suck boy abunda's ass.

  2. Pnoy, the Filipino people are angry at the incompetence of your entire government! RESIGN NOW!!!!

  3. 60% of the Filipinos did not vote for you!

    Listen to them now before your ruin this country!
