Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Aquino is Spineless

The so-called President of the Philippines really is an imbecile...

Asked if there was a need to apologize to the Hong Kong government, the President said he had done it by expressing sorrow and regret over what happened.

“If we really have to ask for an apology from them because we were not able to take care of their people, I have done it,” Mr. Aquino said.

Absurd.  I've done it by expressing sorrow and regret?  That is not an apology.  Not only is he spineless, he's quite public and open about it as well.  Who do you think you are? The leader of the free world?  This coward does not know his place nor does he really feel any remorse.  All rhetoric.  Benny Aquino is a fraud and he makes other Filipinos look like bad people.

“He used them [hostages] as body shields which made our forces hesitate to employ deadly force,” he added.

Yes, after you police force provoked him and the pushed the situation into rapidly deterioration.  By the way, the Commander In-Chief should have the authorization to pull out the police force and insert the Special Forces team that was on standby right?  This is classic bullshit where lack-of-leadership allows these departmental failures to happen.  He should have yanked the police and put in the Special Forces...that's what the tax payers pay for.  Their training and equipment.  The police are only good for handing out tickets so they can get bribery for their next lunch.

This is how stereotypes are formed, and this is why they stick.

Read the rest here...


  1. WHY didn't they JUST LIE to this terrorist? Told him ANYTHING to resolve the situation??!!!Or they could have shot him easily like when the two cops went to talk to him!

    pathetic...and sad...

  2. During her watch, the late Cory was notorious for her procrastination. Surely, the apple does not fall far from the tree.

  3. Can't we impeach Noynoy... I didn't vote for him... I knew he was trouble right from the start... I wonder why out of all the candidates running for the presidency did they choose a non-performing politician...

  4. To the Chinese people. I am a Filipino and I am sorry for the misfortune that happened to your fellowmen. I feel sorrow for the loss of lives and shame on how our government mishandled the crisis.

  5. You are all a bunch of reactionary imbeciles. What could you have done if you were in charge? Do you want the President to be on the ground himself leading the SWAT team? Would it only embolden the hostage taker if the highest official of the land shows some interest in what was happening. It's easy to become arm chair generals when you are not there yourself. Give people a break. Negotiations was working--till the gunman decided to up the tempo. Have some sense .

  6. Do you know the law? You want the Special Forces to be there instead of the SWAT? Well if you are not IGNORANT, you will know that the Armed Forces cannot be used for purely police matters. So think and use some brains before you shoot.

  7. to the 2 anonymous posters:

    If he cannot take charge, then he should not be decorated with the title Commander In Chief. He should simply be called Commander of Nothing.

    The Special Forces I was referring to was not Armed Forces. But I can see how a simpleton like yourself can get confused. Go read the papers, they had a team ready to be deployed "more fit to deal with the situation", but the police were on the scene first. Truth of the matter is once they were there first, there was no way they would let another group step in and take credit. This is common in the Philippines, it's a form of self-inflating one's power for the glory. If you don't know this concept, then you really aren't Filipino.

  8. From The Standard. Hongkong Newspaper >> http://www.thestandard.com.hk/news_detail.asp?w...

    Though shocked by the hostage incident, I am even more deeply shocked by the following: when all Hong Kong is mourning the loss of eight innocent lives - and the ordeal the survivors were made to go through - and people are demanding a "rapid and reasonable" explanation from the Philippine government, one radio talk-show host tried to water down the "cause" of the Philippine president's "failure" to take the chief executive's phone calls by claiming that it was "incorrect diplomatic protocol."

    This means: our chief executive is just the head of the SAR, whereas Benigno Aquino is a head of state.

    Since the two persons are not on par with each other, Aquino has the "right" not to take Donald Tsang's phone calls!

  9. For those of you that want The Standard article:


  10. You know I'm not a fan of Aquino. I agree on some points raised here. I agree that he should have apologized but I disagree on you saying that "his police force provoked and pushed him"..it is not his police force but our police force which he admittedly say lacks the training in crisis management and this lack of training is not his fault. And he is now making things to improve such crisis management.

  11. @Pamps: You are being quite silly. Attitude and performance reflects LEADERSHIP. The Filipinos are not to blame, the policeman are not to blame. It is those charged with being....IN CHARGE that are to blame. Get the concept? Common sense.

  12. "Do you know the law? You want the Special Forces to be there instead of the SWAT? Well if you are not IGNORANT, you will know that the Armed Forces cannot be used for purely police matters. So think and use some brains before you shoot."

    To the stupid anonymous who posted this, read this. "he Special Action Force is the primary special forces unit of the Philippine National Police."


    You are as incompetent as Ngoy.

  13. Blaming corruption as if it was started by the new administration. Great thinking!

  14. ...who said anything about corruption in this post? Man...Filipinos ARE stupid.

  15. Before we judge a certain person, we do need to think deep and find the root cause of the problem...

    we may see it your fault? due to your PR person Posting your profile as "TAONG MALALAPITAN AT DI KAYO IIWAN" that gesture is too much...

    leave something for yourself you’re not a Hollywood star.... blame it to your PR persons... and not the people.

    and besides it’s your negligence for you to show the people that you’re too good to be true... see now the ratification of your action's...

  16. let's not be one sided and not be blind, every person would do such an act has it's reason, whether he or she is a ordinary civilian nor a government servant....

    for such an act is a cause of negligence of certain personnel who were incompetent and out a railed of their ignorance on pursing the safety of the hostages and the capture of the hostage taker...

    whether it's a criminal mind's aftermath or is it a unjustified act of higher officials who are lazy to do such act upon the due process of law...

    we may not see the truth because beneath that these acts of terrorism is a ,near fact of extreme pressure, anxiety, and fear which gave him a choice that would lead him to shed blood upon the innocent for he wasn't heard by those incompetent official's, such honor and such valor upon his country, stands up most of the person who gave up half of their life in the line of service, and granted such ill verdict without a appealing for its right to say "I’m not guilty"....is it? JUSTIFIED?

    Whether he is telling the truth or not? We may disclose such event as a mere fact that our justice system is for the rich and high profiled people and not for the average Joe to have the same right to appeal and stand on court to be trial in due process of law…

  17. The hostage-taker said he was willing to die. That was a statement of suicide. He already lost his mind. A good psychologist or psychiatrist, or even a nurse could have had handled the situation better. They provoked him, and so the tragic end.

    I just hope they will really learn from this experience. I am tired of hearing lack of training, lack of equipments. Hell, kidnapping is quite normal in the Philippines!!

  18. This is the first test of Pnoy and he failed. Hope this is the first and the last.

  19. Noy Noy = No No.

    Lame and limp at being a president and just passing the buck. Shouldn't he be standing up like a man and getting on a plane to Hong Kong to make a apology in person?

    Guess not, since he is a coward!
